Baldur’s Gate: The Epic Saga of a 1,310-Hour Achievement

Join the adventure in Baldur's Gate as a player reaches a monumental milestone after 1,310 hours.

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on an epic journey through Baldur’s Gate as a player shares their monumental achievement after 1,310 hours of gameplay.


  • Over 1,300 hours to conquer a gaming feat!
  • A tale of perseverance and dedication in Baldur’s Gate.
  • Players in awe of the remarkable achievement.

Reactions and Thoughts

Amferam joked, “Hey! This guy fucked a squid!” highlighting the diverse gameplay experiences in the community.

Siren1805 shared, “I only like doing honor mode runs now,” showcasing a preference for challenging playthroughs.

Royroy87 pondered, “What did it cost?” hinting at the sacrifices made for greatness.

Community Spirit

ColoniaCroisant humorously remarked, “Weird way to come out as a squidfucker but hey man, you do you!” embracing individual gameplay styles.

CzarTyr expressed, “I actually think I need to do this,” reflecting on the inspiration drawn from the player’s achievement.

No-Lie-677 praised, “Hell yeah, well done! What was the most difficult achievement in your opinion?” showing admiration for the player’s skills.

Player Interactions

DaLiftingDead congratulated, “Any advice for the 1 level of each class run?” seeking guidance on unique gameplay challenges.

Join the Baldur’s Gate community and uncover the stories, triumphs, and camaraderie that unite gamers in their virtual adventures.