Baldur’s Gate: Do You Soften Up Your Pet Mushroom Before You Fight It?

Find out if players have a soft spot for Glut or go for the kill in this wacky Baldur's Gate discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Baldur’s Gate, players discuss a quirky strategy of softening up a character, Glut, before fighting him. The post author admits feeling a bit guilty for their actions.


  • Players reveal unique tactics for the Glut fight, from weakening him to using other creatures against him.
  • Some players feel guilty or dirty for softening Glut before combat.
  • Others find humorous ways to deal with Glut, like trapping him with zombies.

Players’ Strategies

Some players find creative ways to handle Glut before the showdown. For example, one player makes Glut jump off a high place to lower his HP, feeling a bit conflicted about it.

Guilt or Strategy?

Players’ mixed feelings about softening Glut showcase the diverse approaches and ethical considerations in game battles.

Humor Amidst Combat

Players’ humorous takes on softening Glut add levity to the discussion, showing the fun side of strategizing in Baldur’s Gate.