Baldur’s Gate 3: The Brutal Choices at the End and the Emotions They Stir

Will you betray your comrade for the greater good? Players discuss the tough decisions in Baldur's Gate 3.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are torn between loyalty to comrades and the greater good. In a heartfelt Reddit post, user Orang_outan17 grapples with the emotional turmoil of having to choose between saving a friend and siding against the emperor.


  • Players face tough moral dilemmas at the end of Baldur’s Gate 3.
  • The game presents conflicting loyalties and character motivations.
  • Emotional investment in companions adds depth to player decisions.

Players’ Dilemma

Baldur’s Gate 3 is renowned for its complex decision-making, and the choices at the end of the game truly test players’ moral compass. User LoudAngryJerk reflects on the irony of being unable to save the true ruler, yet having the agency to abandon a companion over a mind-flayer’s betrayal. The emotional weight of these decisions adds a layer of depth to the gameplay experience.

The Enigmatic Orpheus

User SarcasticKenobi highlights the uncertainty surrounding Orpheus, emphasizing the challenge of discerning truth from propaganda. The allure of Orpheus’s mystique contrasts with the emperor’s abrasive character, leaving players grappling with trust issues and conflicting narratives.

Loyalty and Betrayal

Player CoconutxKitten encourages exploring different choices in subsequent playthroughs, hinting at the intricate web of consequences that shape the game’s narrative. The theme of loyalty versus personal gain resonates strongly in the community, with users like SnooSongs2744 warning against betraying companions for fleeting advantages.

Overall, Baldur’s Gate 3 captivates players with its compelling storytelling and moral quandaries, evoking a range of emotions that reflect the complexities of human nature.