Baldur’s Gate 3: Players Discuss Adding New Playable Races

Join the Baldur's Gate 3 community as they brainstorm new playable races for the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are engaging in a lively discussion on possible new playable races for the game. The community is sharing their desires and reasons for specific choices.


  • Players express excitement for sea elves and Tritons.
  • Some players feel the game needs Aasimar representation.
  • Unique race choices like Tabaxi, Genasi, and Kenku spark creativity among players.

Exciting Possibilities with Sea Elves and Tritons

Sea elves and Tritons seem to enchant players with the promise of underwater escapades and magical abilities. The community views these races as offering a fresh experience within the game’s lore.

Aasimar Advocates Speak Up

Players advocating for Aasimar point out the need for balance against tieflings’ presence. They see Aasimar as a potential addition to bring celestial essence into the gameplay.

Quirky Character Ideas with Tabaxi, Genasi, and Kenku

Members of the community are drawn to unique ideas like Tabaxi bards, Genasi characters, and role-playing as a Kenku with speech limitations. These suggestions showcase the player base’s creative spirit and desire for diverse gameplay experiences.

The variety of ideas circulating among players highlights the community’s imaginative engagement and eagerness to see the game expand its playable race options.