Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Steal the Idol Without Starting a War

Need to nab the idol in Baldur's Gate 3 without triggering a civil war? Learn some sneak tactics from fellow players in this Reddit post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking to make a quick theft in Baldur’s Gate? One Reddit user seeks advice on stealing the idol without causing chaos. Let’s see what the community suggests.


  • Utilize darkness and invisibility spells for a stealthy steal.
  • Recruit a hireling with useful abilities like invisibility.
  • Engage in strategic distractions to avoid conflicts.

The Art of Stealth

One player shares a detailed plan involving darkness spells, pickpocketing, and quick exchanges to deceive both druids and Mol seamlessly. The community praises the creativity behind the heist.

Magical Tactics

Another user highlights the effectiveness of mage hand and invisibility spells in executing a smooth theft operation. This magical approach proves to be a popular choice among players seeking a sneaky solution.

Strategic Distractions

A player suggests using distractions like bard concerts and strategic spellcasting to divert attention and successfully nab the idol without raising suspicion. This tactical approach showcases the importance of planning in stealth operations.

Steal away in Baldur’s Gate 3? The community offers a myriad of strategies to help players avoid conflict and secure their desired prize, proving that sometimes, a little sneakiness goes a long way.