Baldur’s Gate 3: Hilarious Descriptions of Characters from Redditors

Check out these hilarious and creative descriptions of characters in Baldur's Gate 3 by Redditors!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game loved by many fans, with its diverse and interesting characters. Recently, Redditors took to the platform to describe these characters in the most hilariously terrible ways.


  • Characters likened to ‘Discount Harley Quinn’, ‘wannabe Julius Caesar’, and ‘depressed old dude’.
  • Creative comparisons include ‘A mime that finally snapped’ and ‘the LARPer at Ren Faire who’s starting to realize he’s too old for this shit’.
  • Descriptions range from ‘the stabby one’ to ‘Gaslight, GirlBoss, GateKeep’.

Discount Harley Quinn, wannabe Julius Caesar, and a depressed old dude

SwordsMaiden paints a vivid picture with their comparison of characters to well-known archetypes, offering a unique perspective on the game’s ensemble.

A mime that finally snapped, the LARPer at Ren Faire who’s starting to realize he’s too old for this shit, and a guy who never grew out of his edgelord phase

SomethingAboutCards brings a comedic touch to their descriptions, blending humor with character analysis in a way that resonates with fellow players.

Metalhead dad and his burnout children

OWValgav’s portrayal of characters as a family dynamic adds a relatable and humorous spin to the fantasy setting of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Bringing Characters to Life in Baldur’s Gate 3

From quirky comparisons to unexpected parallels, Redditors have showcased their creativity and humor when describing the characters of Baldur’s Gate 3. These unique perspectives add depth and entertainment value to the gaming community, highlighting the diverse interpretations players can have of the same game elements.