Baldur’s Gate 3: Fans Rave About the Perfect Cutscenes

Discover why Baldur's Gate 3 fans can't get enough of the stunning cutscenes and memorable moments in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate has captured the hearts of players with its breathtaking cutscenes, leaving fans in awe of the mesmerizing visuals and epic storytelling. A Reddit post by malindaddy sparked a discussion about the standout cutscenes in the game, leading to a flood of enthusiastic comments from the community.


  • Fans are mesmerized by the boat scene with Gale and other iconic moments.
  • The Nighsong being freed and Apostle of Myrkul scenes stand out as favorites.
  • Players appreciate the artistry and attention to detail in creating these memorable cutscenes.

The Nighsong Being Freed

PhantomLuna7 expressed their love for the Nighsong scene, refusing to skip it on replays due to its epic nature and perfect music sync.

Apostle of Myrkul

RelativeCelery8 highlighted the Apostle of Myrkul scene, especially Lae’zel’s impactful line at the end, adding depth to the moment.

Gale’s Scenes

Frejod praised the scenes featuring Gale, noting the incredible artistic talent involved in bringing these moments to life.

Memorable Introductions

RootsInThePavement and UnderlightIll recalled Ketheric’s opening and Astarion’s ascendant introductions as standout moments that left a lasting impression.

Emperatriz_Cadhla, Disco250, Strange_Storyteller, Califocus, and patlight1 also shared their favorite cutscenes, each highlighting unique aspects that resonated with them.

The community’s overwhelming enthusiasm for Baldur’s Gate 3’s cutscenes reflects the game’s ability to captivate players and immerse them in a world filled with memorable storytelling and visual splendor.