Aztecross: The Future of Halo

Aztecross discusses the future of Halo, including the controversial decision to show Master Chief's face and the cancellation of a Halo battle royale game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Recently, Aztecross released a video titled ‘What Does the Future Hold for Halo?’ In this video, he covers various topics related to the popular gaming franchise. One of the main points of discussion is the decision to show Master Chief’s face in the upcoming Halo show. Aztecross shares his thoughts on this controversial choice, expressing his disappointment and questioning the directors’ decision to deviate from the games’ source material.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Aztecross expresses his disappointment with the decision to show Master Chief’s face in the Halo show.
  • The cancellation of a Halo battle royale game, codenamed ‘Project Tatanka,’ is discussed.
  • Aztecross speculates on the future direction of the Halo franchise, suggesting the possibility of an extraction looter or a Halo MMO.

Master Chief’s Face: A Controversial Choice

In the video, Aztecross discusses the recent trailer for Season 2 of the Halo show and the revelation that Master Chief’s face will be shown. He expresses his disappointment with this decision, as he believes that one of the defining characteristics of Master Chief is his stoic and mysterious nature.

The Cancellation of Project Tatanka

Aztecross also covers the news that a Halo battle royale game, known as ‘Project Tatanka,’ has been cancelled. He discusses the potential reasons behind this decision, speculating that the game may have been deemed too late to the genre and faced tough competition from established battle royale titles like Fortnite and Apex Legends.

The Future of Halo: Extraction Looters and MMOs?

Looking ahead, Aztecross ponders the future direction of the Halo franchise. He suggests that 343 Industries may be considering pivoting towards an extraction looter or even developing a Halo MMO. While these ideas may seem far-fetched, Aztecross believes that they could provide new and exciting experiences for Halo fans.