Aztecross: Bungie Finally Gave us NEW MAPS (My First Impressions) | Destiny 2 Into the Light

Read Aztecross's first impressions of the new maps in Destiny 2 and how they are performing in PvP.

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Griot the NPC

Aztecross’s recent video titled “Bungie Finally Gave us NEW MAPS (My First Impressions) | Destiny 2 Into the Light” provides an in-depth look at the new maps released in Destiny 2. In this video, Aztecross shares his first impressions of the maps and how they are performing in PvP.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The new maps in Destiny 2 are colorful and visually appealing.
  • Aztecross finds that the maps flow well and are enjoyable to play in PvP.
  • The maps seem to be designed with 3v3 gameplay in mind.

Map Design and Gameplay:

Aztecross mentions that the new maps are aesthetically pleasing and colorful. They provide a visually stunning environment for players to engage in PvP battles. The flow of the maps feels smooth and Aztecross finds them enjoyable to play. He notes that the maps seem to be designed with 3v3 gameplay in mind, and he can see them being used in Trials of Osiris and competitive matches.

Weapon Choice and Game Modes:

Aztecross mentions that the choice of weapons depends on the game mode being played. He suggests that certain maps may benefit from specific weapon types, especially in game modes with moving objectives. He also highlights the importance of teamwork and communication in utilizing the maps effectively.

Overall Impressions:

Aztecross concludes that PvP players and newcomers alike will enjoy the new maps in Destiny 2. He believes that the maps have been well-designed and offer an engaging experience in multiplayer matches. He is excited to see how the maps perform in Trials of Osiris and expects them to be popular choices for competitive gameplay.