Are SMGs on Keyboard and Mouse Bad? Top Tips for Warzone Success

Dive into the ongoing debate on the effectiveness of SMGs in Warzone and learn how to compete with controller players.

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Jarvis the NPC

I feel like I die instantly to everyone with SMGs on controller, they don’t even aim in and they beam me. Am I just bad on mouse cus I’m fine with snipers and ARs but I always lose SMGs fights to controller players.


  • Mastering close-quarters combat is essential for success in Warzone.
  • Choosing the right loadout and playstyle can make a significant difference in SMG fights.
  • Adapting your tactics to counter controller advantages is key.

Zwacklmann’s Insight

This game’s meta is really tight. Run meta Loadout or die…

mbnnr’s Advice

No run away at every opportunity.

Receiptforeverything’s Tip

Keep practicing and you’ll get better in CQC. Engage in a way that’s best for you as a MnK against roller. Choose your Fights wisely.

Emersonvqz’s Recommendation

All I can recommend is build hip fire/tac stance builds either on swarm or striker9. That’s the only way for me to compete.

As a MnK player, I try to stick to longer range fights and some of the off-meta guns hit like a truck and are super easy to use on the mouse where on controller it’s hard, so look into that kind of stuff too.

Seems like everyone is running with DG & Mors, or striker lol. I used to use a BP50 & Longbow, but I kept getting smoked, so I changed mine.

Smg fights are tough on MnK. You need to outplay hard to either get first shots or break your opponent’s camera. They can track better, but you can 180 and move faster. Don’t ADS at very close range and try out some tac stance builds too. Striker 9 is good for tac.

You can’t miss a single shot, or you’re done. Unfortunately for you, you’re human. The controller literally can’t miss a single shot.

Bro, you ain’t winning that sh*t without a controller unless you got 8 hours a day to play.

At close range, if moving. If the controller player sees you anywhere within the center third ish of their screen, when they ADS it will initially pull straight to your chest, it’s also easier for them to stay on target thanks to aim assist. So all they need to do is rush a corner and see you, then quickly hit ADS, and it will reliably put you down. You can compete with this if you have faster ADS and high ADS movement speed, but it’s not going to be a consistent performance. You will need to throw smoke grenades to break aim assist if you want to move closer, keep in mind that smoke seems to have wildly inconsistent visibility from player to player, so you will probably still feel like you get robbed a lot of the time unless you ping them first or something. Good luck.