Apex Legends: Which Legend Would Be the Most Broken Without a Cooldown and Cap on Tactical?

Exploring the chaos that would unfold in Apex Legends if there were no cooldowns or caps on tactical abilities.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends constantly throws new challenges and scenarios at its players, keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting. In a recent Reddit post, user RECLAIMER-6616 posed an intriguing question to the community, sparking a lively discussion about which legend would reign supreme under the conditions of unlimited tactical abilities and no cooldowns.


  • Pathfinder could become an elusive Spiderman-like figure.
  • Wattson’s relentless fence placement would create chaos.
  • Horizon could scale impossible heights with infinite tacs.

Pathfinder: The Web-Slinger

Bunnnnii pointed out that Pathfinder, with his already slippery movement, would become nearly impossible to catch with unlimited grappling hook charges. His agility and mobility would make him a nightmare to track down on the battlefield, turning him into a true Spiderman of Apex.

Wattson: Electric Overload

QuestionableBruh highlighted the potential havoc Wattson could wreak with unlimited fences, blanketing the map in electrified barriers. While controllers might struggle with the sheer number of fences, the chaotic and humorous scenarios that would unfold make it a tantalizing prospect.

Horizon: Infinite Ascension

circ-u-la-ted discussed how Horizon could abuse her gravity lift to ascend to absurd heights and stay aloft for extended durations. While not the most broken scenario, the image of Horizon stacking lifts to reach unimaginable altitudes adds a touch of whimsy to the chaos.

Whether it’s turning the game into a firefighter simulator with Bangalore’s firepower or watching Wraith unleash unlimited phase shifts, the community’s creativity and enthusiasm for these hypotheticals showcase the passion and imagination within the Apex Legends player base.