Apex Legends: Using the Health Pad at Clinic to Win a 3v1

Discover how a player's strategic use of the health pad at Clinic led to a game-winning 3v1 scenario.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has seen some intense moments, but a recent Reddit post highlights a player’s clever use of the health pad at Clinic to secure a 3v1 victory…


  • Player showcases clutch moment with creative use of the health pad
  • Community members impressed by unknown features of the location
  • Some players share their surprise at discovering the functionality of the pad

Impressed by the Unexpected

“Smart play and all that, but I’m way more impressed that you could hit that many shots with G7 iron sights. I’m better off punching if I don’t have an optic on it lol,” said CallMeNurseMaybe, expressing awe at the player’s marksmanship.

Exploring Hidden Treasures

“This place also has a CP you can call down on the back of the building, plus two disco balls of loot in the bottom building. Definitely worth checking out,” shared TheRockBaker, shedding light on additional features of the location.

Covered in Surprises

“WTF? That thing heals?! I only run through it to grab the good loot in the middle,” exclaimed redmasc, revealing their astonishment at the health pad’s functionality.

Overall, the Apex Legends community continues to uncover hidden gems within the game, leading to moments of excitement and astonishment.