Apex Legends Upheaval Patch: Season 21 Updates and Reactions

Discover the latest changes in Apex Legends Season 21 and see how the community is reacting to the updates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has introduced a major upheaval with Season 21, bringing in a new Legend, Alter, and various gameplay changes. The reddit post showcases detailed patch notes, including balance updates, new features, map rotations, and more.


  • Alter, the new Legend, brings chaos and unique gameplay elements.
  • Solos are taking over Duos for a limited time, offering new gameplay dynamics.
  • Changes to legends, weapons, and map rotations aim to refresh the game experience.
  • Ranked play resets and updated rewards system for a competitive edge.

Community Reactions

GucciBeckham humorously discovers the reason for his inventory closing, citing a ‘funny bug.’ CaptainScak expresses relief at Pings finally improving. bartnd appreciates quality of life changes like Death Box pinging. Outrageous-Blue-30 finds the patch notes interesting, especially for Ash. williamwzl highlights the significant impact of the guaranteed first weapon from loot bins.

Fureniku humorously notes the delayed changes for Crypto, while xCeePee struggles to keep up with the new character abilities. Cr4zy points out the reign of Havoc/Hemlok meta. Deepapothecary hopes guaranteed weapons in loot bins will prevent early exits. YaKnowMuhSteezz questions the reasoning behind resetting players to Bronze VI. Nindzya expresses frustration at the reset to Bronze and questions the decision.

Despite mixed reactions, the community eagerly anticipates exploring the new season of Apex Legends and diving into the diverse gameplay changes.