Apex Legends Update Chaos: Community Outcry and Frustration

Gamers on Reddit vent about the latest Apex Legends update, calling it a complete disaster. What went wrong this time?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are up in arms over the recent game update that has caused chaos among the community. The frustration is palpable as players encounter a slew of issues and bugs.


  • Players outraged over game-breaking bugs
  • Community divided between PC and console experiences
  • Issues range from freezing gameplay to missing skins

The Devastating Update

Players like Nuklr expressed dismay at the update’s impact on Linux systems, with the game failing to run or freezing during gameplay. Key visuals like banner animations and skins are missing.

Windows Woes

Windows users like n988 are also facing game-breaking bugs, unable to enjoy gameplay due to various issues. It’s a widespread problem impacting the community.

Community Backlash

Salp1nx sums up the sentiment, highlighting the frustration with the consistent blunders in each update, leaving players exasperated and disappointed.

With the community in an uproar and players demanding swift resolutions, the future of Apex Legends hangs in the balance as the developers work to rectify the chaos.