Apex Legends: Upcoming Ballistic Weapon Buffs and Player Choices

Find out what Apex Legends players are thinking about the upcoming buffs for the Ballistic weapon in this Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are buzzing about the upcoming buffs for the Ballistic weapon in a recent Reddit post by uvm7. The community is debating which weapons will shine in the Sling slot after the changes.


  • Players consider the Havoc, Peacekeeper, and Rampage as top contenders for the Sling slot.
  • Suggestions range from utilizing barrel stabilizers to focusing on guns with specific attachments like Disruptor rounds.
  • Some players advocate for guns like the Prowler and Volt as strong choices for the Ballistic weapon.

Players’ Choices: Havoc, Peacekeeper, and More

Many players favor the Havoc for its damage output, hipfire accuracy, and mag size but note the necessity of a turbocharger. The Peacekeeper stands out for its versatility, requiring minimal ammo and synergizing well with Disruptor rounds.

Community Insights: Attachment Strategies

Players debate the significance of barrel stabilizers and other attachments in maximizing weapon effectiveness within the Ballistic’s constraints. Some emphasize the importance of specific attachments for certain guns like the Prowler.

Optimal Loadouts and Playstyles

Community members share their preferred loadouts, highlighting guns like the Rampage, Havoc, Alternator, and Peacekeeper. They discuss playstyles suited for different weapons and scenarios within Apex Legends.