Apex Legends: The Seer Nerf Debate – Did He Deserve It?

Join the debate on whether Seer deserved all the nerfs in this hilarious Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC


Apex Legends has been buzzing with discussions about the most nerfed legends, particularly Seer. Should he have received all those nerfs? Let’s dive into the Reddit post that sparked the debate.\n\n’, ‘

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  • Many players believe Seer’s continuous presence in the meta was due to his overpowered abilities such as wallhacks and disrupting heals.
  • Some feel Respawn should have reworked Seer’s entire kit instead of multiple small nerfs.
  • Players think Seer’s abilities like damaging through walls and interrupting heals were game-breaking.
  • Some players found Seer’s tactical ability to be overwhelming and unbalanced from the start.

Players Voice Their Opinions

“To be fair, he kinda did. For the longest time, no matter what they did, having constant, literal wallhacks and scans that messed nearly everything you did was extremely strong in of itself.”

“He deserved to be nerfed, but I think Respawn broke the game with him from a concept standpoint and there was no turning back.”

“Given how strong he released, yeah, deserved. But it would have been fewer nerfs if he’d been nerfed decisively earlier.”

“It’s crazy that it took pros months to figure out how good Seer was when he first came out.”

The Seer Fallout

“He deserved more.”

“Scans are the least interesting abilities to be meta, they’re uninteractive and the only counter is to run scan yourself.”

“Gameplay devolved into shooting diamonds behind a white smoke or black ferrofluid screen.”

Final Thoughts

“The debate rages on about Seer’s nerfs, with players divided on whether he truly deserved the changes. What’s clear is that Seer’s impact on the meta was significant and will be remembered in Apex Legends history.”
