Apex Legends: The Revenant Debate – Powerhouse or Problem?

The Apex Legends community debates the power and potential issues surrounding the legend Revenant.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has kept the community buzzing with its diverse roster of legends, and one such character sparking debates is Revenant. Users on the subreddit have been discussing the strengths and weaknesses of this powerhouse legend, questioning his balance and impact on the game.


  • Users are split on Revenant’s power level, with some praising his abilities as strong and versatile, while others feel he falls short compared to other legends.
  • Concerns have been raised about Revenant’s kit and the impact it has on gameplay, with discussions on his tactical, passive, and ultimate abilities.
  • The community debates the effectiveness of Revenant in high-level gameplay and whether he is a top-tier legend or requires adjustments for better balance.

Fan Concepts and Gameplay Impact

The Reddit post highlights a common sentiment among players that Revenant’s abilities make him feel like a fan concept rather than a balanced legend in the game. The combination of a jump-pad tactical, player tracking, high HP in his ultimate form, wall climbing, and silent crouch walking has led to discussions on his potential overpowered nature. Some users argue that his versatility and power level make him a formidable opponent in 1v3 scenarios, providing comfortable escapism and entry to fights. However, others counter this by pointing out specific weaknesses in his kit, such as wall climb limitations and loud crouch walking that give away his position.

Community Feedback and Gameplay Analysis

Players have shared their experiences and perspectives on Revenant’s tactical, passive, and ultimate abilities. Some users commend the strength of his tactical ability but compare it to other mobility-focused legends like Octane and Horizon. They highlight the challenges of using Revenant’s kit effectively in combat situations, especially concerning his tactical’s charging time and vulnerability during engagements. Additionally, feedback on his ultimate ability varies, with players noting its power in skilled hands but questioning its effectiveness in general player scenarios.

Pros and Cons of Revenant

The community also delves into the competitive aspect of playing Revenant, with discussions on his suitability for high-level ranked gameplay. Some users express confusion over distinguishing between friendly and enemy Revenant ultimates in intense battles, suggesting the need for clearer visual indicators. Others mention specific gameplay scenarios where Revenant’s abilities shine or fall short, leading to debates on his overall tier placement in the legends roster.

The discussions surrounding Revenant on the Apex Legends subreddit showcase the diverse opinions within the community regarding this enigmatic legend. From praising his power and versatility to critiquing his weaknesses and balance issues, players continue to engage in lively debates on Revenant’s role in the game. Whether he remains a top-tier legend or undergoes further adjustments, the consensus is clear: Revenant’s impact on the meta is a topic of ongoing discussion among Apex Legends enthusiasts.