Apex Legends: The Decline in Ranked Player Quality

Ranked players in Apex Legends are frustrated with the drop in teammate quality. What's causing this downfall?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are voicing their frustrations on the significant drop in quality of ranked players they are queued with. The frustration stems from a perceived decline in the skill level and approach of teammates in ranked matches.


  • Players are struggling with inconsistent experiences in solo queue, facing cheaters and underperforming teams.
  • The lack of proper matchmaking in ranked is a significant concern among the community.
  • Some suggest changes in the scoring system and entry costs could improve the ranked experience.

Reactions to Ranked Player Quality

Apex players are expressing their frustrations with the decline in teammate quality in ranked matches. One user highlighted the mismatch in skill levels, mentioning, ‘I watch a lot of solo Q to masters streamers who are ten times the player I am and even they give up and 3 stack around the diamond rank lol’.

Another player highlighted the inconsistency in solo queue experiences, stating, ‘You get the cheaters that are terrible and make terrible plays and still fail despite being cheaters, easy -60. Then you get the plat 4 duo stack working hard to get out of gold yet can’t really function in plat’.

A common sentiment among players is the dissatisfaction with the current state of ranked matchmaking. One player expressed, ‘Ranked is truly pathetically worthless’.

Suggestions for Improvement

Players are offering suggestions for how to address the issues impacting ranked player quality. One suggestion involves adjusting the scoring system to incentivize strategic play over aggressive tactics like hot dropping to secure kills.

Another player proposed changes in the matchmaking algorithm, stating, ‘I think this could be easily fixed by chopping kp values below top 8 and staggering the entry costs’.

Overall, the community consensus is that changes are needed to elevate the ranked experience in Apex Legends and restore a sense of competitiveness and fairness.