Apex Legends: The Arc Star Stick Debate on Reddit

Reddit users debate the effectiveness of the arc star stick in Apex Legends.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players on Reddit are in the midst of a heated debate over the arc star stick, questioning its actual impact on gameplay. The post by user REBEL6ty9 has sparked a mix of reactions from the community.


  • Users divided over arc star stick’s significance
  • Debate centered on overall impact in gameplay
  • Some users critical of OP’s playstyle

Positive Reactions

Some users praised the skill displayed in the clip, acknowledging the impressive arc star stick but questioning its real impact on the outcome of the match.

Negative Criticism

Others criticized the OP’s playstyle, pointing out mistakes made during the gameplay, such as a teammate falling off the map and a lack of movement on console.

Gameplay Discussions

The discussion also delved into sensitivity settings, platform preferences like PC versus console, and various strategies for movement and control.

Despite the diverse opinions, it’s clear that the Apex Legends community is passionate about the game and eager to engage in lively debates about gameplay tactics and strategies.

Share your thoughts on the arc star stick debate and join the conversation on Reddit!