Apex Legends: Solos Made Me Realize How Bad I Am at This Game

Discover how players react to the challenges of going solo in Apex Legends and uncover the truth behind their self-assessment.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players shared their experiences with Solos mode, revealing a mix of emotions and insights into their gameplay shortcomings and strengths.


  • Competing in Solos revealed gameplay weaknesses masked by team dynamics.
  • Players faced tough matchmaking challenges, leading to frustration and self-evaluation.
  • The mode served as a learning ground, offering opportunities for individual improvement.

Revealing Weaknesses

For many players, diving into Solos mode shed light on their inadequacies when not supported by a squad. The realization that they might have been carried by friends hit hard, prompting a critical self-assessment.

Matchmaking Woes

Players lamented the unforgiving matchmaking system that pitted them against significantly better opponents. The disparity in skill levels added to the challenge of excelling in a solo environment.

Embracing Improvement

Despite the initial struggles, some saw Solos as an opportunity to grow. By analyzing their performance and learning from encounters, players aimed to enhance their skills and adapt to the demands of individual play.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the journey through Solos mode in Apex Legends proved to be a humbling yet enlightening experience for many players. It highlighted the importance of adaptability, self-reflection, and perseverance in the pursuit of mastery within the game.