Apex Legends Showdown: Fuse Versus Horizon

The Apex Legends Community has engaged in a lively debate: Fuse or Horizon, who's better? Find out here!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the popular game Apex Legends, players are posed with a decision. An eager player, Lombie_Monkie, is torn between purchasing either Fuse or Horizon as his next character.


  • Opinions on both characters are generally positive, with many players stating that both Fuse and Horizon are great additions to the game.
  • Most commenters think that Horizon’s tactical abilities outshine Fuse’s, but Fuse is lauded for his free-spirited play style.
  • Many players emphasize that the final choice should be heavily influenced by the individual player’s preferences and game play style.

Player Opinions

One player, comment_author IWillFlakeOnOurPlans, describes Fuse as ‘fun af’ but ultimately sides with Horizon as the superior pick. There’s a seemingly common consensus among players that Horizon’s tactical skills far outshine Fuse’s whole kit. This sentiment is shared by AnApexPlayer, who bluntly states, ‘Horizon is better. Period.’

Fuse Picks?

While many of the comments seem to lean towards Horizon, Fuse is not without his fans. Comment_author Clara_Borh3 chimed in, stating that, ‘Fuse is a lot of fun, I recommend him.’ And my-reddit-acct-321, a self-proclaimed Fuse main, put forth the idea that the game play style should be the decisive factor in the choice between Fuse and Horizon.

The Final Verdict

In the end, the original poster, Lombie_Monkie, proudly declared his choice, ‘I chose Fuse…which is better to have fun with.’ Ultimately, the discussions suggest a mixture of personal playing style and character abilities should dictate your choice. However this is Apex Legends, and fun factor absolutely comes into play in all gaming arenas.