Apex Legends Season: A Huge Win for Players

Apex Legends Season shakes up the game with exciting legend changes and new mechanics, resulting in a massive win.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends Season has breathed new life into the game with its exciting changes and fresh mechanics. The Evo shield adjustment has proven to be a pleasant surprise, leading to intense fights right from the drop. The developers have truly outdone themselves, making this season a resounding success and a major win for players.


  • Players are loving the legend changes and mechanics, finding them fun and refreshing.
  • The Evo shield change has led to exciting early-game fights and is preferred over the previous system.
  • Veteran players are experiencing a renewed sense of enjoyment and anticipation.
  • The return of ranked mode has been widely praised as a positive addition to the season.

Positive Feedback:

Many players are thrilled with the changes brought by Apex Legends Season. User DontCareWontGank admits the ranked reset has been tough for lower-ranked players but acknowledges the excitement of challenging opponents. KastorPip appreciates the equal playing field provided by the Evo shield adjustment. Perfect-Major6716 commends the developers for their outstanding work this season, while NewsInside8464 expresses their enthusiasm to play the game again after a long break.

Ranked Mode and More:

Nemesyst shares their excitement about the return of ranked mode, while TheRockCandy simply describes their experience as a blast. Lhasaman agrees, asserting that this season is undoubtedly a significant win. Eastern-Cucumber-376 initially had concerns about the Evo change but is now impressed with its impact. They also praise the addition of Straight Shot and the focus on improving the overall gameplay experience.

Players Reaching Higher Ranks:

HatAccurate1578 and SageOfThe6 express delight at their progress in ranked mode. HatAccurate1578 believes that the previous system held them back from their true rank but now feels they are finally performing at their actual skill level. SageOfThe6 appreciates the well-balanced legends, scoring and RP adjustments, and the absence of server issues or lag.

Overall Positive Response:

Killawalsky admits to initial skepticism but recognizes the developers’ success in delivering a major win this season. Foobery, too, acknowledges their doubts about the Evo changes but now appreciates how it encourages fights and rewards players for their aggressive gameplay.

Apex Legends Season has undeniably struck a chord with players. The exciting legend changes, Evo shield adjustment, and return of ranked mode have revitalized the game and brought renewed enthusiasm to the player base. This season is a clear testament to the developers’ dedication to creating a fun and enjoyable experience for all players.