Apex Legends Season 20 Lag Is Insane – Gamers Struggling with Server Issues

Apex Legends gamers express frustration over severe lag in Season 20, impacting gameplay and enjoyment. Are the servers to blame?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends recently hit a rough patch in Season 20 as players encountered severe lag issues, affecting their gameplay experience. The lag spikes have left many frustrated with the game’s servers and seeking solutions for a smoother gaming experience. Let’s dive into the subreddit discussion to see how the community is coping with this lag fest.


  • Gamers are experiencing severe lag spikes in Season 20, impacting their ability to play smoothly.
  • Many players note that the lag issues have worsened compared to previous seasons, leading to frustration and unplayable conditions.
  • Servers are deemed unreliable, with players reporting high ping, packet loss, and prediction errors during gameplay.

Community Frustration

Apex Legends players voiced their frustrations, with many expressing dismay over the deteriorating server performance. One user, SapphireSire, described a bizarre moment where lag worked in their favor, leading to a surprising victory:

“On a side note: I experienced this, and my team said they were lagging too…I was frozen in my tracks for about 10 seconds and then stabilized…then all our shots connected, all our aims suddenly became focused, and we won the game. I don’t know what’s going on.”

Technical Troubles

Players like illnastyone reported strange occurrences, such as the game pausing mid-action and players teleporting around the map. These issues persisted despite normal ping and frame rates, indicating a deeper-rooted problem within the server infrastructure.

Server Woes

Many users suspect the servers are to blame for the lag spikes, as even those with stable internet connections and high-speed ethernet cables are facing connectivity issues. TheRockCandy shared their frustration:

“You’re not alone, it happens randomly to me too. Ping goes 300, packet loss, prediction errors, unplayable. Sometimes it lasts a few seconds, sometimes 1 minute. It’s worse when you’re mid-fight. It got worse one time that even my first-person camera was swiveling like crazy.”

The ongoing struggle with lag in Apex Legends Season 20 has left players exasperated, raising concerns about the game’s server stability and performance. As the community rallies to find solutions and address these issues, the future of competitive gameplay in Apex Legends hangs in the balance.