Apex Legends: Portals Galore Incoming?

Will tomorrow in Apex Legends be all about portals? Get ready for a wild ride!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players on Reddit are buzzing with excitement and speculation about the upcoming in-game events. With rumors swirling around portals, the community is gearing up for a potentially game-changing experience.


  • Players are hyped about the possibility of portals dominating the gameplay.
  • There’s a mix of sentiments regarding the impact of new legends like Ash and changes to existing ones like Caustic.
  • The community is divided between excitement for new content and concerns about game balance.

Ash: The New Contender

Ash’s introduction has sparked debate among players, with some praising her buffs while others are skeptical about her impact on the meta. The comparisons to Wraith and Alter are rife, leading to varied opinions on her potential.

Caustic’s Fate

Caustic mains are expressing worry about the possible decline of their favorite legend, citing changes in damage output and utility. The community is split on whether Caustic will remain viable in the evolving meta.

Community Speculations

From memes to predictions, the Apex Legends subreddit is abuzz with theories about the upcoming events. Players are eagerly awaiting the reveal, hoping for a fresh and exciting gameplay experience.