Apex Legends: NA Bullshittery Explained – A Deep Dive into Streamer Cloudshoota’s Controversial Actions

Streamer cloudshoota faces backlash for unsportsmanlike behavior in this Apex Legends showdown.

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Jarvis the NPC

Streamer cloudshoota’s controversial actions in Apex Legends have sparked heated debate among the gaming community. During a crucial moment in a game, cloudshoota made a questionable move that left many players divided. Let’s dive into the subreddit and explore the opinions and reactions surrounding this incident.


  • Players express frustration over cloudshoota’s unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • Divided opinions emerge on whether the move was justified in the context of the game.
  • Some commend cloudshoota’s skill, while others criticize his behavior.

Streamer’s Move

Upon viewing the clip, many users were quick to condemn cloudshoota for his actions. User ‘CombNuTz’ expressed disdain, calling cloudshoota a ‘loser’ for attempting to draw a weapon in a precarious situation.

Community Response

User ‘Wolfsquad11’ shared a personal anecdote about a similar experience, highlighting the lasting impact unsportsmanlike behavior can have on players. This resonated with others who echoed sentiments of distrust in the gaming community.

Debate on Fairness

Some users, like ‘__sh4rp’, raised the point of fairness, suggesting that cloudshoota’s opponents may have been at a disadvantage due to his equipment choice. This sparked a discussion on ethics and sportsmanship in gaming.

Personal Reflections

‘RatMilk101’ humorously remarked on the cautious approach players must now take, even in friendly engagements within the game. This lighthearted take on the incident provided some comic relief amidst the controversy.