Apex Legends: Most Annoying Legends to Face According to Reddit

Reddit users debate on the most annoying legends to face in Apex Legends. Who made it to the top of the irritation list?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends fans have taken to Reddit to discuss the most annoying legends to face in the game. From Wraith to Mirage, the community shares their thoughts. Let’s dive into the heated debate!


  • Users debate whether Wraith is still a top-tier annoyance.
  • Caustic and Wattson get called out for their defensive prowess.
  • Mirage’s decoys cause frustration for many players.

Wraith: Has She Phased Out?

Some users question Wraith’s current position on the annoyance scale, sparking a debate on her effectiveness.

Defensive Nightmares: Caustic and Wattson

Caustic’s gas traps and Wattson’s electric fences make them formidable foes in defensive positions, frustrating attackers.

Mirage: Illusionist or Nightmare?

Players share mixed opinions on Mirage, with some finding his decoys a nuisance while others counter with spotting strategies.

All in all, Apex Legends players have strong feelings about who makes their blood boil in the game. From cautionary Caustics to fleeting Mirages, each legend brings its own brand of annoyance to the battlefield. Whether it’s a tactical advantage or just pure frustration, one thing’s for sure — the legends of Apex keep players on their toes and their emotions running high.