Apex Legends: Let’s Talk About the R-99 SMG and Its Controversy

Exploring the current sentiments surrounding the R-99 SMG in Apex Legends and why players are divided.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has a new hot topic on the block, and it’s all about the controversial R-99 SMG. Users on the subreddit are in a frenzy debating its usability and effectiveness in the game. Let’s dive into the discussion and see what players are saying.


  • The R-99 is no longer the go-to weapon it once was, with players preferring alternatives like the Alternator and Volt.
  • Some believe the R-99 was intentionally nerfed to prevent it from dominating every match.
  • Despite its drawbacks, the R-99 still boasts the highest damage per second among SMGs.

Debates on the R-99

Opinions on the R-99 vary greatly among players. Some think it’s now unusable due to nerfs, while others still find value in it. User ‘Deceptiveideas’ believes the gun was purposely over nerfed to prevent it from being the top choice in every match, showing a potential shift in the game’s meta.

Community Reactions

‘Excellent327’ points out that the R-99 still holds the crown for the highest DPS among SMGs, but acknowledges the need for a reliable secondary weapon due to its magazine limitations. This reflects a strategic approach to weapon selection in Apex.

The Fallout of Nerfs

Player ‘HornetGloomy75’ expresses satisfaction that the R-99 is no longer a must-pick weapon, citing the Volt as a superior alternative. The gradual decline of the R-99 over multiple seasons has sparked discussions on weapon balancing and player preferences.

The sentiment surrounding the R-99 in Apex Legends is a mix of nostalgia for its former glory and acceptance of its current state. Players are adapting to the evolving meta and exploring new weapon loadouts to stay competitive in the game.