Apex Legends: How Not to Use Ash’s Ultimate!

Dive into the hilarious missteps of Ash's ultimate ability in Apex Legends as Reddit users share their experiences and frustrations.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players on a Reddit post share hilarious fails while using Ash’s ultimate ability in a way that leaves everyone laughing.


  • Players showcase how not to use Ash’s ultimate in a comical yet relatable manner.
  • From falling off high ground to using a sniper rifle with the ultimate, the fails are endless.
  • Comments highlight the frustration and amusement that comes with using Ash’s ultimate in Apex Legends.

Players’ Missteps

One user, MaiT3N, points out a player using Ash’s ultimate with a sniper rifle, showcasing the hilarity of the situation. Another player, FRDyNo, expresses frustration when enemies predict their ultimate destination before they arrive, adding to the challenge.

Unexpected Strategies

A user, Mother-Entry8608, humorously suggests never using Ash’s ultimate unless hating oneself, advocating for off-map or ring adventures. This unexpected take brings humor to the discussion.

Community Reactions

Comments like those of BleedingBlack, praising a clean sweep, and youguysarelameAF, criticizing questionable decisions, showcase the diverse reactions within the Apex Legends community.

Mr_Mushroom46’s reference to Octane adds a touch of humor, highlighting the recurring themes of specific legends in misplays. Overall, the community’s shared experiences create a bond through humor and relatability.