Apex Legends: EA Bans Player with Depression – Community Response

A player with depression in Apex Legends faces a ban from EA, leading to community efforts to help overturn the decision. Will the community be able to prove her innocence?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has become a beacon of hope for many players, providing not just entertainment but also connections and friendships. One Reddit post by missbeibei sheds light on a troubling situation involving a player with depression facing a ban from EA, throwing her world into disarray.


  • The post highlights the significant impact Apex Legends had on the player’s mental health and social life.
  • Community members suggest various strategies to help overturn the ban and support the player.
  • Doubts are raised about EA’s decision, with many questioning the validity of the ban given the player’s stats and circumstances.

Community Support

Comments from users like thatkotaguy and SeaLongjumping2290 show empathy and offer practical advice to help the player. From looking for evidence of hacking to creating a new account, the community is rallying to support their own.

Appeal to EA

crismongucker suggests reaching out to Apex support on Twitter, indicating a path to potentially resolve the issue through official channels. However, doubts linger about the responsiveness of support.

Concern for Well-being

missbeibei’s escalating worry for her friend’s safety paints a poignant picture of the stakes involved. The emotional toll of the situation is palpable, with fears of self-harm looming large.

Each comment reflects the community’s desire to help and the frustration with EA’s decision. The outpouring of support underscores the bonds forged through gaming and the genuine concern for a fellow player in need.