Apex Legends: Dive Emote Delight or Bitter Regret?

Players in the Apex Legends community share mixed feelings about the recent dive emote rewards.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are buzzing about a recent post on the subreddit that showcases a player’s excitement over receiving a dive emote, despite missing out on a desired Caustic skin.


  • Players express mixed emotions on receiving dive emotes over coveted skins.
  • Some players appreciate the unique cosmetic additions to their collection.
  • Others feel disappointed at missing out on desired skins from event rewards.

Emote vs. Skin

While some players like ‘skwaark’ value dive emotes as an underrated cosmetic, ‘FineBroccoli5’ expresses a humorous take, considering maining Caustic just for the emote.

Confusion in the Community

‘Morkinis’ raises the question of why Caustic items are being mentioned in the thread, showing a lack of clarity within the community.

Community Divide

On one side, ‘All_Eyez_On_U’ enthusiastically cheers the dive emote, while ‘Cloud_of_Twat_Mist’ voices frustration, questioning the repetitive nature of emotes during gameplay.