Apex Legends Dilemma: Mix-Matched Ranks in Solo Queue Explained

Players in Apex Legends express frustration over mixed rank teams in solo queue matches.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fast-paced world of Apex Legends, players often find themselves in peculiar situations that defy matchmaking logic. One such anecdote shared by iLunchh on Reddit sheds light on the frustrations of being a Diamond player in a team of Gold and Silver ranks.


  • Unpredictable matchmaking in solo queue leads to undesired team compositions.
  • Players urge for better transparency in matchmaking algorithms.
  • Community divided on blaming game developers versus inherent system flaws.

Players’ Perspectives

BigLuffa sympathized with iLunchh, sharing that such mismatched teams are a common sight, especially during off-peak times. The struggle of climbing ranks solo is real!

Marmelado_’s take was more critical, blaming EA/Respawn for the flawed matchmaking system. The frustration echoes through the player base, demanding accountability from the developers for a smoother experience.

Community Response

The community’s responses were a mix of resigned acceptance and vocal frustration. Some viewed it as an inevitable part of the game, while others saw it as a glaring flaw that needed immediate attention.

Suggestions for Improvement

Many players suggested implementing stricter rank differentials in team compositions to prevent such extreme disparities, ensuring a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience for all.

Ultimately, the unresolved issue of mixed-rank teams in solo queue continues to plague Apex Legends, leaving players to navigate the unpredictable waters of matchmaking with a mix of hope and exasperation.