Apex Legends: Destroyer2009’s Impact on Mande’s Stream

Explore the chaos caused by Destroyer2009's return to Mande's stream in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends community is abuzz with the return of Destroyer2009 on Mande’s stream causing a stir, with players expressing mixed emotions and concerns.


  • The community is divided over whether the return of Destroyer2009 is a positive or negative event.
  • Players are questioning the integrity of the game and expressing frustrations towards Respawn.
  • There is speculation and skepticism surrounding the actions of high-profile players in response to server vulnerabilities.

Emotions Running High

The post and comments reflect a mix of amusement, anger, and disbelief among players. From accusations of cheating to skepticism about the integrity of the game, emotions are running high.

Resentment Towards Respawn

Players are vocal about their dissatisfaction with Respawn’s handling of server vulnerabilities and lack of action in addressing the issues raised by the community.

Cheating Allegations and Speculations

There are concerns raised about the actions of high-profile players and the influence they may have on in-game activities, leading to speculations and skepticism within the community.

Players are questioning the authenticity of the accounts involved and expressing disappointment in the overall state of the game.

The Apex Legends community remains divided over the impact of Destroyer2009’s return on Mande’s stream, highlighting ongoing issues within the game and the community.