Apex Legends: Dealing with Toxicity in Unranked Matches

How to handle toxic players in Apex Legends unranked matches - mute and move on!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players discuss dealing with toxic behavior in unranked matches and the art of muting annoying players. Some find it therapeutic while others see it as a necessary evil to enjoy the game.


  • Toxic behavior in unranked Apex Legends matches prompts players to resort to muting their teammates for peace.
  • Some players view muting as a way to maintain focus and enjoy the game without distractions.
  • The decision to mute varies among players, with some valuing communication over muting.

Dealing with Toxicity

Many players resonate with the sentiment of muting toxic teammates in unranked matches. The peaceful silence after muting someone can significantly enhance the gaming experience. By muting, players can avoid unnecessary distractions and focus on their own gameplay.

Value of Communication

On the flip side, there are players who prioritize communication and teamwork, even in the face of toxicity. They believe that muting may hinder team synergy and communication that could impact the outcome of the match. For them, tolerance and patience often override the urge to mute.

Escaping Toxicity

Some players have devised creative ways to cope with toxic behavior, such as muting immediately or engaging in light-hearted antics like typing ‘muted’ to trigger reactions. These strategies serve as coping mechanisms to navigate the less savory aspects of online gaming.

The diverse approaches to handling toxicity in Apex Legends highlight the complex dynamics of player interactions and the different coping mechanisms individuals employ. While muting remains a common practice, the decision to do so varies among players based on personal preferences and play styles. Ultimately, finding a balance between muting toxicity and fostering teamwork is key to a positive gaming experience in Apex Legends.