Apex Legends: Community Reflects on Arenas Mode Removal

Apex Legends players express their nostalgia for the beloved Arenas mode and discuss the impact of its removal.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are reminiscing about the removal of the beloved Arenas mode, sharing their thoughts and feelings on the change. The community is divided on whether its absence has had a positive or negative impact on the game’s experience.


  • Players miss the intensity and unique gameplay of Arenas, finding it to be a favorite mode for warming up and skill improvement.
  • Some users are confused about the reasoning behind the removal of Arenas, highlighting its popularity among the player base.
  • Opinions are divided on the comparison between Arenas and the current Mixtape mode, with some expressing a preference for Arenas’ gameplay style.

Arenas Mode Nostalgia

Many players expressed their fond memories of playing Arenas regularly, citing it as a relaxing yet exciting game mode that provided a different experience from the battle royale format. Several users mentioned how Arenas helped them improve their skills with various weapons and legends.

Community Split

While some players miss the strategic and high-stakes nature of Arenas, others have found solace in the current game modes and believe that the competitive intensity of Mixtape is more engaging. The debate continues as to whether Arena’s removal was necessary for the game’s evolution.

Impact of Arenas Mode

Players reminisced about the thrill of clutch moments in Arenas, highlighting the sense of accomplishment and adrenaline rush it provided. Many expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of gameplay and expressed a desire to see Arenas return to the game as a permanent fixture.