Apex Legends Communication: Is it as Sweet as They Say?

Explore the highs and lows of communication within the world of Apex Legends, as experienced by its gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

‘Communication Sweet’ is a post found in the sphere of Apex Legends enthusiasts online, highlighting the impact of communication, or lack thereof, within the game. This topic goes beyond the how-to and tips of communication strategies in Apex Legends; it dives into the more conversational and experiential side of the subject. The author, ‘ThirtyFramesOW’, presents no body text, allowing for the title and user comments to fuel the discussion.


  • Users discuss their experiences within the game, specifically emphasizing the difficulty in achieving effective communication.
  • Comments reflect a mixture of humor and frustration, expressing the highs and lows of game-play in Apex Legends.
  • The topic sparks a discussion about the matchmaking system in the game, stirring up some negative sentiment among players.

Player Experiences

Some players express their struggles briefly and humorously, such as ‘PRAHPS’ who comments, ‘Just got crushed by the door’, a sentence that any Apex player can relate to. Another user, ‘casualstick’, adds the simple, ‘Uuugh 🥲’, reflecting their shared frustrations despite the laughter emoji.

The Impact of the Matchmaking System

Others, like ‘totallynotabot24’, dig deeper into the issue, targeting the matchmaking ranking (MMR) system in Apex Legends, voicing frustration at the discrepancy between their rank and performance in the game. ‘Stoneyb1017’ echoes this sentiment, underlining how unforgiving the game can be of small mistakes, placing overwhelming pressure on players, and consequently, the communication between them.

Wrapping it Up Lightly

Yet, amidst these heated expressions, ‘ThirtyFramesOW’ brings a lighter note to the conversation with a music recommendation, ‘I’m sleepy, goodnight and song is 2000 by CYCLOPOP’

The intriguing aspect of this conversation is the range of emotions from within the Apex Legends player community. It simultaneously shows their love and frustration towards the game, highlighting the crucial role of good communication in the team-based game. No matter how sweet or sour the communication may be, it clearly remains a noteworthy discussion topic for players keen on improving their gaming experience.