Apex Legends: Cheating Predators in Plat 2 – A Call to Arms

Plat player faces 9-man predator team. Is Apex Legends ranked fair? Reddit post delves into the cheating issue in a lobby.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are frustrated with the prevalence of cheating in ranked matches, as highlighted by a recent Reddit post. User, Macka15, shared their experience facing a 9-man predator team in Plat 2, questioning the integrity of the game’s competitive scene.


  • Players express frustration over encountering cheating predators in ranked matches.
  • The post raises concerns about the lack of action from Apex Legends developers in addressing cheating issues.
  • Community members share their own experiences with unfair gameplay and express disappointment in the current state of the ranked system.

Masters of Cheating

One user, MilkmanForever, bluntly states, “Preds are masters who cheat.” This sentiment echoes the frustration felt by many players who encounter unfair tactics in ranked matches.

Grind and Grief

Another player, OnePieceRick, sympathizes with Macka15’s plight, sharing their own struggle to climb the ranks despite dedicated effort. The grind in Apex Legends’ ranked mode is real, and facing cheaters only adds to the frustration.

Rage Against the System

DefNotMy5thAccount provides a detailed critique of the current ranked system, highlighting the flaws that have led to an influx of cheating and unfair gameplay. Players feel disillusioned with the lack of progress in combatting cheating in Apex Legends.

Community members are banding together to raise awareness about the issues plaguing Apex Legends’ ranked matches. The call for action against cheating predators grows louder as players demand a fair and competitive gaming environment.