Apex Legends Bug of the Century: Exploring Frustrations and Support

Dive into the frustration of an Apex Legends bug affecting player progression and support responses.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are dealing with a game-breaking bug that hampers their progress and gets minimal support. From ignored EA tickets to desperate Reddit posts, the community is in disarray.


  • Players facing progress-halting bugs resort to multiple EA support tickets and Reddit pleas.
  • Community offers sympathy but highlights EA’s lackluster response to individual cases.
  • Comparisons drawn to past bugs create a sense of collective frustration and empathy among players.

Players’ Frustrations

Player Naxglazar detailed a month-long struggle with challenges not unlocking and levels not progressing, despite multiple ignored EA tickets and Reddit posts seeking help.

Sympathy and Suggestions

Reddit users like Noksdoks express shock at the severity of the bug and suggest trying cross progression on consoles to resolve the issue.

Community Outpouring

While some like SabeelDx empathize with the player’s plight, others like Cheaterfield mock EA support’s dismissive attitude toward users with minimal in-game currency.

Wraithpatternbaldnes and leeganz offer support and prayers, highlighting the community’s solidarity in times of need.

I-Tukkas-I shares a similar experience of persistent bugs, drawing parallels to the ongoing frustrations faced by Apex Legends players.

LanguageOver2221 laments the impact on gameplay enjoyment and Battle Pass investment caused by severe bugs like these.

As hikigatarijames suggests, community unity in highlighting recurring issues can lead to better support and bug resolution processes.

Despite pleas and visibility comments, the bug remains unresolved, leaving affected players with dwindling options and mounting frustrations.