Apex Legends Backlash: Respawn’s Regressive Decisions Spark Outrage

Apex Legends community outraged by Respawn's recent decisions, feeling let down by their regressive approach to in-game purchases.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are expressing frustration over Respawn’s recent decisions, particularly regarding in-game purchases. The community is disappointed in the direction the game is taking, with complaints about limited skin options and lack of communication from the developers.


  • Players criticize Respawn for anti-consumer practices like randomized pack purchases.
  • Community backlash intensified after a developer referred to players in derogatory terms.
  • Players express dissatisfaction with the current state of the game and lack of meaningful progression systems.

Players Disappointed with In-Game Purchases

One user highlighted the frustration of buying packs and receiving unwanted items, emphasizing the need for direct skin purchases to meet player preferences.

Developer Communication Concerns

Community members pointed out the lack of transparency and communication from Respawn, questioning the direction of the game and the frequency of negative changes.

Game Quality and Progression Criticism

Players criticized Apex Legends for server issues, audio problems, and a lack of meaningful progression, calling for more transparency and attention to these issues to improve the overall player experience.

Wrapping Up the Discussion

Apex Legends players are vocal about their dissatisfaction with Respawn’s recent decisions, highlighting the need for improved communication, consumer-friendly practices, and a focus on enhancing the game’s overall quality. As the community continues to voice concerns, it remains to be seen how Respawn will address these issues and regain player trust.