Apex Legends Artifacts and Customization: Fans Divided on New Content

Fans of Apex Legends are split on the new Artifacts and customization options as opinions range from excitement to disappointment.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends fans are buzzing with mixed emotions over the recent release of information about Artifacts and customization options. PsillyPseudonym sparked a heated discussion on the subreddit with their post.


  • Players are divided on the new customization options.
  • Some find the choices underwhelming and a cash grab.
  • Others are intrigued by the potential for personalized gameplay experiences.

Puzzling Perceptions

Puzzleheaded-Eye4885 sarcastically joked about laughing at players with custom deathboxes, revealing a hint of skepticism about the new features.

Lackluster Content

ForestFire012 expressed disappointment, longing for a different type of customization instead of what was revealed.

The Chemist’s Perspective

Galvantula42 found the names of the customization items intriguing but remains hesitant to invest in them.

Dana94Banana criticized the decision, labeling it as another business-driven move by Respawn.

manofwaromega raised concerns about the pricing and value of the new artifacts, suggesting a free base option for all players.

AgentInkling99 criticized the limited options and perceived lack of effort in the customization offerings.

Call_Me_Kevin- shared their dislike for the aesthetics of the Katar heirloom.

amongusred23 showed enthusiasm for the new upgrades, indicating not all fans are displeased with the content.

Some fans eagerly await the chance to enhance their gameplay experience with the new features.