Apex Legends: A Mix of Frustration and Joy in Ranked Play

Struggling with brain dead teammates and game mechanics in Apex Legends can make or break your ranked journey.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has its fair share of ups and downs, especially when it comes to ranked play. A Reddit user shared their experience of starting fresh on a new account, aiming to climb the ranks and face the challenges that come with it. From dealing with teammates who seem to lack basic game sense to discovering crucial game settings that drastically improved their gameplay, the journey was filled with a mix of frustration and joy.


  • Struggling with brain dead teammates in solo queue
  • Discovering the impact of adjusting game settings on recoil control
  • Learning about the importance of understanding game mechanics for success in ranked play

Struggles in Solo Queue

The post author expressed their frustration with teammates who displayed reckless behavior and a lack of teamwork in ranked matches. Solo queuing can often lead to encounters with players who do not communicate effectively or adhere to strategic gameplay, making climbing the ranks a daunting task.

Game Settings Revelation

Upon realizing a crucial game setting affecting recoil control, the author experienced a significant improvement in weapon handling. This adjustment not only enhanced their gameplay but also highlighted the importance of fine-tuning settings to optimize performance in Apex Legends.

Understanding the Game

Comments from fellow Redditors emphasized the significance of comprehending game mechanics, such as the Evo shield system, and adapting playstyles accordingly. The advice ranged from adapting to different teammate strategies to utilizing in-game features effectively to improve overall performance in ranked matches.

Embracing both the challenges and triumphs encountered in Apex Legends, the post captures the essence of perseverance and growth within the competitive landscape of the game. It serves as a reminder that every setback can be an opportunity for improvement and every success a testament to dedication and skill.