Apex Legends: 4K Farming Scums Get Taste of Karma

Join the community discussion on Apex Legends 4K farming and karma. Does the end justify the means?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends, a tale as old as time, where players seek to earn their badges through skill and grit but sometimes find themselves entangled in the web of farming for glory without breaking a sweat. The struggle is real.


  • Community frustration peaks as 4K farming tarnishes the badge’s value.
  • Suggestions arise for automated systems to combat farming tactics.
  • Players question the authenticity of badges earned through questionable means.

Frustration Unleashed

The sentiment echoed in the comments is one of frustration and disappointment towards those who engage in 4K farming tactics. Users express a sense of injustice at the devaluation of hard-earned badges through illegitimate means.

Call for Automated Intervention

Amidst the outcry, suggestions emerge for the implementation of automated systems to detect and deter farming practices. Players advocate for fair play and a level playing field where skill and effort are paramount.

Questionable Achievements

Users raise doubts about the authenticity of badges obtained through farming, casting a shadow over the achievements of those who opt for shortcuts over legitimate gameplay. The discussion prompts reflections on the true value of in-game accolades.

The Apex Legends community stands divided on the issue of 4K farming, with tensions running high between players who strive for authenticity and those who seek quick recognition through questionable methods. As the debate rages on, one thing remains clear—integrity and sportsmanship are values that should never be sacrificed for the sake of virtual glory.