Am I Just Too Old for Apex Legends? Overcoming Age in the Gaming World

Is age really just a number in the world of Apex Legends? Dive into the debate of whether being 'too old' affects your performance in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Feeling like a boomer in the world of Apex Legends? User ‘Whitemaus’ took to Reddit to question whether age was hindering their gaming skills. Is the battle royale genre a young person’s game?


  • Age may impact reflexes, but experience and strategy can compensate.
  • Practice and consistent play are key to maintaining skill levels in fast-paced games.
  • The gaming landscape has changed, affecting how much time players can dedicate to skill improvement.

Is Practice the Key?

Several comments emphasized the importance of practice in maintaining gaming skills. User ‘OrneryFootball7701’ highlighted the need for understanding game pace and constant practice to keep up with the competition. The sentiment echoed through the community, with many users agreeing that regular play is essential for success.

A Matter of Priorities

User ‘boardman1416’ shed light on how changing life priorities can impact gaming habits. As responsibilities increase with age, the time available for gaming decreases, affecting skill progression. This perspective resonated with older players navigating the demands of adulthood.

Adapting to Change

Some users suggested adapting playstyles to overcome age-related challenges. User ‘Data1us’ recommended using recoil smoothing in Apex Legends, showcasing how adjusting settings can enhance gameplay for older players. These insights highlighted the importance of flexibility and continual adaptation.

Age may be a factor in gaming performance, but with dedication and adaptation, players of all ages can thrive in the competitive world of Apex Legends.