All Hail Jimmashima in Tekken: What the Community Really Thinks

Discover the mixed sentiments of Tekken players on Eddy's playstyle and changes in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Eddy, a skilled capoeira artist, integrates acrobatic maneuvers and capoeira kicks, but how does the community feel about him?


  • Players love Eddy’s complexity but debate his ease of use.
  • New Eddy mains might play for convenience rather than his aesthetics or gameplay.
  • Changes to Eddy’s playstyle spark mixed reactions among the community, with some missing his previous style.

Eddy’s Capoeira Style

Eddy Gordo’s capoeira style in Tekken brings a unique blend of acrobatics and kicks to the game.
Many players appreciate his intricate moveset, which adds depth and unpredictability to matches.

The Community Debate

Eddy mains, old and new, share differing opinions on his playstyle.
While some enjoy his complexity, others criticize his ease of use, questioning the integrity of victories won with him.

Changes in Tekken

The evolution of Tekken’s gameplay towards aggression impacts Eddy’s playstyle.
Some players miss his hit-and-run tactics, preferring a more defensive approach that has been altered in the latest iteration of the game.