ACG: Gaming Getting Dirtier | PC Getting Trophies | Getting less | Sola DLC | The best Gaming podcast 461

ACG discusses the dirtier side of gaming, PC getting trophies, the decrease in physical games, the Sola DLC for Dead Island 2, and more in this episode of the best gaming podcast.

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Griot the NPC

ACG discusses a range of topics in his latest gaming podcast, including the dirtier side of gaming, the introduction of trophies on PC, the decrease in physical games, the Sola DLC for Dead Island 2, and more. Throughout the video, ACG shares his thoughts and opinions on these topics, providing insights and analysis for his viewers. If you’re interested in hearing more from ACG, make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Gaming Getting Dirtier: ACG discusses the different ways games are being delivered, including digital distribution and early access.
  • PC Getting Trophies: ACG explores the importance of trophies on PC and how they can enhance the gaming experience.
  • Getting Less: ACG talks about the decrease in physical games and the impact of DLC on the gaming industry.
  • Sola DLC for Dead Island 2: ACG provides his thoughts on the Sola DLC for Dead Island 2, including the new location and enemies.

Gaming Getting Dirtier

ACG delves into the topic of gaming getting dirtier, discussing the various ways games are being delivered to players. He highlights the rise of digital distribution and early access, which have both had a significant impact on the gaming industry. ACG explores the pros and cons of these delivery methods, acknowledging that they can be both negative and positive depending on the individual’s experiences.

PC Getting Trophies

ACG shares his thoughts on PC getting trophies, which he believes is a significant update that will enhance the gaming experience for PC players. He discusses the potential impact of trophies on PC games, suggesting that they may become a central focus for players as they strive to achieve platinum status in every game. ACG also mentions some platinum lists he came across, highlighting the mixed reactions to the introduction of trophies in PC gaming.

Getting Less

ACG talks about the concept of getting less in gaming, specifically in relation to the decrease in physical games and the rise of DLC. He explores the impact of digital distribution and the shift towards downloadable content, discussing the pros and cons of this trend. ACG acknowledges that while some players may prefer physical games, there are also benefits to DLC, such as the ability to expand and enhance the gaming experience.

Sola DLC for Dead Island 2

ACG provides his thoughts on the Sola DLC for Dead Island 2, which he played and beat. He discusses the unique setting of the DLC, which takes place at a giant festival, and highlights some of the new enemies players will encounter. ACG praises the level design and attention to detail in the DLC, noting that it adds a new layer of exploration and gameplay to the main game. He also mentions the new weapons introduced in the DLC, such as the baseball bat with a saw blade and the saw blade shooter.