Abiotic Factor: Which Items Are Worth Picking Up in the Game?

Discover the unnecessary items in the game that players prefer to skip. Find out what's hot and what's not in looting strategies.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the virtual world of Abiotic Factor, players are faced with a plethora of items, each with their own unique qualities and uses. From essential resources to seemingly useless knick-knacks, the game offers a diverse range of loot. But are all items worth picking up?


  • Players skip certain items due to stacking limitations and lackluster combat performance
  • Wood and rubberband balls are among the neglected items
  • A recent patch may have revived interest in previously disregarded items like SMGs

Unwanted Cargo

In a world where inventory space is precious, players weigh the value of items based on stacking capacity and combat efficiency. The submachine gun and 9mm, for instance, fall short due to their stacking restrictions and inadequate combat prowess

The Oddities

Some players point out the irrelevance of rubberband balls and the abundance of wood in the game, highlighting their negligible utility

Game Changers

Despite initial dismissals, the recent SMG buff in a game update has sparked reconsideration among players, signaling shifts in looting priorities