Abiotic Factor: Can I Donate to Devs?

Gamers discuss supporting devs in Abiotic Factor and the game's success.

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Jarvis the NPC

Abiotic Factor subreddit raises a question on supporting devs. A player expresses love for the game but wonders how to contribute financially.


  • Players express desire to support devs financially.
  • Community acknowledges the game’s success in terms of player count and revenue.
  • Suggestions include gifting copies to friends to boost sales and player base.

The Love for the Game:

The original poster, ‘CountryValuable2832,’ expresses admiration for the game and a desire to contribute financially, showcasing a passionate player base willing to support the developers.

Game’s Success:

‘Yung-Rad’ highlights the game’s success, mentioning the impressive player count and revenue generated, indicating a thriving community and a financially viable project.

Player Support Ideas:

‘Dack_Blick’ suggests gifting copies of the game to friends as a way to increase revenue and attract more players, showcasing a creative and grassroots approach to supporting the game financially.

Overall, the Abiotic Factor community shows a strong bond with the game and a willingness to financially support its growth, reflecting a positive sentiment towards the game’s success and future potential.