Abiotic Factor: Avoiding Softlocks in Flat Hill – A Gamer’s Dilemma

Discover what happens when a friend wastes precious power cells in Flat Hill in this hilarious gamer's post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Abiotic Factor: A friend’s reckless spending leads to a potential softlock in Flat Hill, sparking heated discussion among gamers.


  • Understanding the importance of resource management in Flat Hill
  • Tips to avoid softlocks and resource wastage
  • Community camaraderie in sharing gaming mishaps

Ragnhilder’s Wisdom

According to Ragnhilder, portal materials reset on a weekly basis, providing hope for the softlock situation.

Reddit-hater285’s Unconventional Solution

Reddit-hater285 suggests a drastic measure of resolving the softlock dilemma by eliminating the reckless friend with hammers, adding comic relief to the discussion.

Prudent-Pressure2536’s Weekly Reset Reminder

Prudent-Pressure2536 reassures gamers that portal worlds reset every Monday, offering a timeline for potential recovery from resource mishaps.

imhoopjones’s Resource Timer Tip

imhoopjones advises leaving an active portal world to reset the resource timer, sharing a personal experience of facing similar challenges in the game.

Due_Brush1688’s Dragon Hoarding Comparison

Due_Brush1688 humorously contrasts their careful resource management with the friend’s impulsive spending, drawing parallels to a dragon hoarding treasure in Skyrim.

As gamers navigate the treacherous waters of resource management in Flat Hill, these shared experiences serve as cautionary tales and comedic relief in equal measure.