6 Reasons Why Peely Reigns Supreme Over Fishstick in Fortnite

Discover why the Fortnite community overwhelmingly prefers Peely over Fishstick as the superior meme skin in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Fortnite, the debate rages on: who is the better meme skin, Peely or Fishstick? Let’s dive into the community’s thoughts on this hot topic.


  • Peely is more than just a meme skin; he’s a beloved character with a rich backstory.
  • Players appreciate Peely’s creative design and ripening mechanic.
  • Peely’s significance in previous chapters has made him a fan favorite.

Peely’s Charm and Significance

Peely enthusiasts argue that he transcends being just a meme skin. His quirky design, especially the ripening mechanic, adds depth to his character, making him more than just a banana.

Fishstick and the Counterargument

While some players prefer Fishstick for his accessibility and unique look, Peely’s dedicated fan base believes he outshines Fishstick with his charm and significance within the game’s lore.

Community Consensus

The overall sentiment leans heavily in favor of Peely, with players praising his design, significance in the storyline, and overall charm that sets him apart from his meme skin counterparts.

Peely’s reign in the Fortnite community shows no signs of slowing down, as players continue to laud his presence in the game.