6 Exciting Changes Fans Want for Skull and Bones Game

Discover what Skull and Bones players are craving for the future of this game!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Skull and Bones community is buzzing with ideas for the game’s future. From revamping ship mechanics to enhancing group matchmaking, players are eager to see some major improvements. Let’s dive into the wishlist!


  • Players yearn for expanded pirate experiences.
  • Enhanced storytelling to engage players on a deeper level.
  • Desire for more diverse ships and customization options.
  • Improvements in group matchmaking for better event participation.

Pirate’s Life

GeneraIFlores highlighted the need for a revamped cargo system, focusing on protecting essential supplies while enhancing pirating experiences with new commodities. Players are eager for a more immersive and rewarding pirating mechanic.

New Horizons

Community members like CarlHannah are craving a diverse economy and improved pirate incentives. The current focus on helm materials has overshadowed potential gameplay depth, calling for a richer economic system for players to explore.

Group Adventures

Improving group matchmaking, as suggested by daveaze7, can enhance community engagement during world events like La Peste. The lack of visibility on event participation and broken chat features hinder social interactions within the game, requiring attention from developers.

Customization at Sea

FlanRepulsive9714’s call for gear stats and detailed ship customization resonates with players looking for deeper progression options. The idea of deck systems, specialized crew members, and enhanced equipment customization adds complexity and depth to the gameplay, offering players more agency in their ship’s capabilities.

The Skull and Bones community’s wishlist reflects a desire for enriched gameplay experiences, from immersive storytelling to intricate ship customization. As players eagerly anticipate the game’s future, these suggestions highlight key areas for potential growth and player satisfaction. The developers have an exciting opportunity to engage with the community’s feedback and shape the game’s evolution accordingly.