5 Tips to Get Your Car Unstuck in Pacific Drive – A Gamer’s Guide

Stuck in Pacific Drive? Get your car unstuck with these top player tips!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever found your car stuck on top of a checkpoint in Pacific Drive? Well, you’re not alone. What should you do in such a situation? Let’s dive into some advice from the gaming community on Reddit.


  • Press ‘t’ to unstuck your car instantly
  • Explore game mechanics to find solutions
  • Use keybinds wisely to teleport your car

Player Tips

When your car is stuck, the last thing you want to do is panic. Remember to stay calm and assess the situation. Sirgiggles123 suggests pressing ‘t’ to trigger the unstuck feature, a handy tip for a quick solution.

LargeBuffalo humorously advises kicking the car, a creative yet ineffective approach in the game world. Somecrazydude13 chimes in with a playful jab, suggesting players explore and experiment with game mechanics to escape tricky situations

For a more technical solution, legomann97 creatively describes the action of kicking with emojis, adding a touch of fun to the discussion. If gameplay exploration fails, beetle8209 links a YouTube video, demonstrating alternate methods to unstuck your car.

Kareem43110 provides detailed console-specific advice, emphasizing the importance of setting keybinds for teleportation. Their step-by-step guide showcases the community spirit of sharing knowledge to help fellow gamers.

In the end, Nobiting expresses gratitude for the collective suggestions, highlighting the camaraderie and support found within the Pacific Drive community.